Friday, September 20, 2024

Board members elected, volunteers honored at RISE annual meeting

Darryl Blakey (right), manager, government affairs, BASF Corporation, was presented a RISE Volunteer Service Award during its Annual Meeting in San Diego for his work as Chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee in 2022-2024. Presenting the award is the RISE Executive Committee from left, Treasurer John Johnson, Prokoz; Vice Chair Todd Mason, Sipcam Agro; and RISE President Megan Provost. PHOTO COURTESY OF RISE

Darryl Blakey (far right), manager of government affairs for BASF Corp., was presented a RISE Volunteer Service Award during its Annual Meeting in San Diego, Calif., for his work as Chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee in 2022-2024. Presenting the award is the RISE Executive Committee, which consists of, from left, Treasurer John Johnson, Prokoz; Vice Chair Todd Mason, Sipcam Agro; and RISE President Megan Provost. PHOTO COURTESY OF RISE

Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment (RISE) members and guests, with CropLife America partners, recently gathered this week for the 2024 Joint Annual Meeting in San Diego, Calif.

More than 400 leaders from the specialty and agricultural pesticide industries met to discuss advocacy and engagement, the upcoming election year and disruption in the changing landscape of business and the workplace.

“This gathering is a valuable opportunity to come together from all segments of the pesticide industry and foster collaboration, which is truly at the heart of what we do,” said RISE Governing Board Chair Karen Larson. “The work we accomplish individually is important, but it’s through sharing ideas, insights and strategies with one another that we truly unlock our potential.”

Governing board meets

The board met during the annual meeting to review the association’s strategic plan, elect new leaders, welcome new members and thank those who have served.

New members joining the board are Blaine Pinkerton, vice president of sales, Turf & Ornamental at Nufarm, holding a manufacturer seat, and Brian Rowan, vice president of category management at SiteOne Landscape Supply, holding a distributor seat.

Karen Larson, (second from left) Clarke, was recognized for her term as Chair of the RISE Governing Board 2022-2024. Honoring her is the Executive Committee from left President Megan Provost, Treasurer John Johnson, and Vice Chair Todd Mason. PHOTO COURTESY OF RISE

Karen Larson, (second from left) Clarke, was recognized for her term as Chair of the RISE Governing Board 2022-2024. Honoring her is the Executive Committee — from left President Megan Provost, Treasurer John Johnson, and Vice Chair Todd Mason. PHOTO COURTESY OF RISE

Outgoing board members Scott Reasons, Syngenta, and Kathy Bishop, Lebanon Seaboard Corp., were recognized for their service to the association.

The new RISE Executive Committee for 2024-2025 is:

Others continuing their terms on the board, include:

Association volunteers honored

Larson, along with the RISE Executive Committee, recognized the outstanding volunteers who served on behalf of the association during the general session.

The awards and members/volunteers honored for their service were:

RISE Volunteer Service Awards 2022-2024:

Darryl Blakey, BASF, chair, Legislative Affairs Committee
Julie Schlekau, Valent, chair, Regulatory Affairs Committee
Heidi Deja, BASF, chair, Strategic Oversight Council

Strategic Driver Award 2024:

Brittany Wilkerson, PBI-Gordon Corp., strategic engagement on the RISE Regulatory Affairs Committee for her work on bilingual labeling/ EPA Labels Live.

RISE President Megan Provost addresses attendees during the RISE Annual Meeting closing session. PHOTO COURTESY OF RISE

RISE President Megan Provost addresses attendees during the RISE Annual Meeting closing session. PHOTO COURTESY OF RISE

Grassroots Advocacy Award 2024:

Buddy Freund, New Jersey Green Industry Council (NJGIC), for his nine years of service as its executive director.

In her closing remarks, RISE President Megan Provost emphasized the importance of growing together as an industry and gratitude for the engagement.

“As we strengthen partnerships and amplify our voices, we extend our sincere appreciation to each RISE member who contributed their time, energy and participation to advocate for specialty pesticides and fertilizers. Your efforts are the driving force behind the RISE mission, empowering us to support the creation of inspiring and healthy places to live, work and play,” Provost said.

<p>The post Board members elected, volunteers honored at RISE annual meeting first appeared on Pest Management Professional.</p>

from Pest Management Professional
Sacramento CA

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