Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Bird control: Understanding bird habits

Erick Wolf, CEO, Innolytics

Erick Wolf, CEO, Innolytics

While there are many different pest birds, pigeons are by far the most prevalent. Understanding their behaviors and biology are vital to having a successful control program.

For example, pigeons are considered “resident birds” as opposed to “migratory birds.” This means that once they nest successfully, they are not going anywhere else, and the customer has them for the life of the bird. Therefore, part of the control program is to determine whether the birds are nesting at your customer’s location, loafing for the afternoon, foraging, or just passing through. Any recommendation for an abatement strategy should be based on what you observe.

Under some circumstances, it can be relatively easy to give birds an incentive to depart and find other places to spend their time. Even a simple harassment strategy often will work to move loafing birds. The challenge escalates if you have birds nesting on your customer’s property.

Resolving nesting birds, often referred to as a bird “roost” or “roosting” birds, almost always represents a more challenging job. Physical exclusion is the gold standard, but is not always practical or cost-effective. Before recommending any solution, make sure you have completely evaluated the nature of the problem. Touch base with your suppliers if your job is more complex, as their representatives have had years of experience and often can point you in the right direction.

There are many different bird control options, but the selection of the appropriate tools requires an understanding of the bird’s behavior and habits. Without a basic understanding, your plan is prone to failure. Ensure a successful outcome by taking the time to properly evaluate the nature and scope of the problem.

The post Bird control: Understanding bird habits appeared first on Pest Management Professional.

from Pest Management Professional https://www.mypmp.net/2021/09/28/bird-control-understanding-bird-habits/
Sacramento CA

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