Monday, June 17, 2024

Mitigate risks of fly infestations & prevent food safety violations


Mel Whitson, Senior Field Technical Service Manager, Zoëcon Professional Products

Mel Whitson

Flies of various species are notorious vectors for more than 100 pathogens, posing significant risks to food safety and public health. With rising temperatures and increased rainfall in many regions, PMPs can expect to see a surge in fly-related issues.

To effectively combat fly problems, implement targeted strategies to identify and eliminate breeding grounds. This involves meticulous examination of refuse areas, ensuring proper waste management practices are in place to minimize attractants for flies. Additionally, focusing on areas where organic materials decompose, such as compost heaps or decaying vegetation, can help disrupt the fly life cycle and prevent fly population growth.

Emphasize the importance of sanitation and hygiene measures to clients, educating them on proactive steps to reduce fly attractants and breeding sites on their properties. By addressing these key areas and implementing comprehensive fly management protocols, you can mitigate the risks associated with fly infestations and safeguard against potential food safety violations.

The post Mitigate risks of fly infestations & prevent food safety violations first appeared on Pest Management Professional.

from Pest Management Professional
Sacramento CA

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