Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Offer a mix of services to retain customers

Designing, building and maintaining a nicely landscaped fire pit area for a new or existing customer? Yes, we do that, and so can you. (PHOTO: ABC HOME & COMMERCIAL SERVICES OF DFW)

Designing, building and maintaining a nicely landscaped fire pit area for a new or existing customer? Yes, we do that, and so can you. (PHOTO: ABC HOME & COMMERCIAL SERVICES OF DFW)

I believe that the more you do for customers, the more important you become to customers. And yes, the caveat is to provide quality service — which comes from hiring thoughtfully and training thoroughly.

Expanding pest services

Here are five extra services that are still within the pest control realm:

  1. Termite control and prevention
  2. Carpenter ant control
  3. Mosquito management and prevention
  4. Wildlife control
  5. Flea and tick coverage

Each of these services can be added to a basic pest control program and will make that customer “stickier,” which means they will be more invested in your services and less likely to shop around. If you add more pests to your pest control program — even when you are charging for the management of those additional pests — your competitors will have a harder time taking your customers away.

In addition, once you demonstrate to customers that you and your team have skills in these other areas, they will have more trust in your company. They also will have more doubt that others could perform these services as well as your company.

Developing additional services

Take a look at the sidebar at right, which features the services my brothers and I offer at each of our ABC Home & Commercial Services businesses. Note that none of us are branded as ABC Pest Control anymore, even though pest control is still a large part of what we do.

Bobby, Raleigh and I vary a little bit with our service offerings, based on supply and demand in our respective markets. We all offer lawn fertilization, though, and for a very good reason that our dad taught us way back when: If the lawns are healthy and green, they’re a visual reminder to customers of what a wonderful company they are using.

Pest control company owners can pick and choose the services they offer, but doing more for every customer will bring in more revenue. More importantly, it will make you closer with your customers.

Of course, this only works when customers love the people you send to their homes. So, only hire people you trust and like. Are they people you would have dinner with, or let babysit your kids? Your employees are a direct reflection on you and your business. If you don’t like them or get along with them, your customers will pick up on that. On the other hand, if you hire people you really like who are good at what they do, your customers will like them, too.

<p>The post Offer a mix of services to retain customers first appeared on Pest Management Professional.</p>

from Pest Management Professional
Sacramento CA

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